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Very straightforward but still eerie at times. Going for the endings was nice and exploring things felt fun that way.

Simple easy/nice Art/nice sound/ Great game !

nice game rate mine pls. i already rated u

Here is my review:

👉 First, I see that we can play the game on Windows and Linux, good point. So first, I find the rhythm of your game very cool because usually, in people’s first games, you just don’t know where to go, no objectives... here, the objective is clear: get home, and for that, there’s only one path. Maybe a more developed story could have helped too. Furthermore, the atmosphere of the game is good, but this pixelated grass pulls us out of the game too much. By replacing that, I think the game could have been scarier and would have conveyed a more sinister atmosphere. On the other hand, the rest (road, house, car...) is really well done. The assets are well-made and immerse you in the atmosphere. Of course, how could I not mention the sound design? I’m surprised—it blends well into the game. Generally, creating good sound effects is a bit tricky, but here, I think the task was well executed. We also find multiple endings. I found only two, and if I’m not mistaken, there are 5 in the game. I searched and couldn’t find more, so I must have missed something. The screamers work well thanks to the sound effects.

👉 Now, moving on to the negatives: the killer, he’s a bit flat, don’t you think? Honestly, I can understand; it’s not easy to create a killer that chases you, there’s animation to do and such, but it’s true that he doesn’t have much impact. However, in the ending where you get killed by the monster, you said it’s inspired by psychological horror. I’m not entirely sure I understood the meaning, but basically, the character experiences some sort of horror dreams, and it’s all fake, which explains why the killer is a bit odd.Let me jnow if i'm right.

That's all for me 😜

Tysm for the feedback I really appreciate it :D